fork download
  1. #include <stdio.h>
  2. #include <stdlib.h>
  3. #include <math.h>
  5. #define L 0.3 // Plate length in x-direction (m)
  6. #define H 0.4 // Plate height in y-direction (m)
  7. #define epislon 1e-6 // Convergence limit
  8. #define MAX_TERMS 100 // Maximum terms for analytic solution (Fourier series approximation)
  10. // Function to allocate a 2D array dynamically
  11. double** allocate2DArray(int rows, int cols)
  12. {
  13. double** array = (double**)malloc(rows * sizeof(double*));
  14. for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
  15. {
  16. array[i] = (double*)malloc(cols * sizeof(double));
  17. }
  18. return array;
  19. }
  21. // Function to free a 2D array
  22. void free2DArray(double** array, int rows)
  23. {
  24. for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
  25. {
  26. free(array[i]);
  27. }
  28. free(array);
  29. }
  31. // Function to apply boundary conditions
  32. void applyBoundaryConditions(double** T, int Nx, int Ny)
  33. {
  34. for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++)
  35. {
  36. T[i][0] = 40.0; // y = 0, T = 40°C
  37. T[i][Ny - 1] = 10.0; // y = H, T = 10°C
  38. }
  39. for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++)
  40. {
  41. T[0][j] = 0.0; // x = 0, T = 0°C
  42. T[Nx - 1][j] = 0.0; // x = L, T = 0°C
  43. }
  44. }
  46. // Function to compute the 2-norm of the residual
  47. double computeResidual(double** T, double** T_new, int Nx, int Ny)
  48. {
  49. double res = 0.0;
  50. for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++)
  51. {
  52. for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++)
  53. {
  54. res += pow(T_new[i][j] - T[i][j], 2);
  55. }
  56. }
  57. return sqrt(res);
  58. }
  60. // Function to perform a single iteration of Point Gauss-Seidel with SOR
  61. void LineGaussSeidelSOR(double** T,double** T_old, double omega, int Nx, int Ny)
  62. {
  63. for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++)
  64. {
  65. for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++)
  66. {
  67. T[i][j] = (1.0 - omega) * T_old[i][j] +omega * 0.25 * (T[i + 1][j] + T[i - 1][j] + T_old[i][j + 1] + T[i][j - 1]);
  68. }
  70. }
  71. }
  73. // Function to calculate the analytical solution using Fourier series
  74. double analyticalSolution(double x, double y)
  75. {
  76. double T_analytical = 0.0;
  77. for (int n = 1; n <= MAX_TERMS; n++)
  78. {
  79. if ((n % 2) != 0)
  80. { // Only odd terms contribute
  81. double first_term = (1.0 - pow(-1, n)) / (n * M_PI);
  82. double second_term = 40.0 * sinh((n *M_PI * (H - y)) / L) + 10.0 * sinh((n *M_PI * y) / L);
  83. double third_term = sin((n * M_PI * x) / L)/ sinh((n * M_PI * H) / L);
  84. T_analytical += 2*(first_term * second_term * third_term);
  85. }
  86. }
  87. return T_analytical;
  88. }
  90. int main()
  91. {
  92. int Nx, Ny;
  93. double dx, dy, omega, res;
  94. int iter = 0;
  96. printf("Enter the number of grid points in x-direction: ");
  97. scanf("%d", &Nx);
  98. printf("Enter the number of grid points in y-direction: ");
  99. scanf("%d", &Ny);
  101. dx = L / (Nx - 1);
  102. dy = H / (Ny - 1);
  104. double** T = allocate2DArray(Nx, Ny);
  105. double** T_old = allocate2DArray(Nx, Ny);
  107. // Initializing the temperature array with 0 (initial guess)
  108. for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++)
  109. {
  110. for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++)
  111. {
  112. T[i][j] = 0.0;
  113. T_old[i][j] = 0.0;
  114. }
  115. }
  117. applyBoundaryConditions(T, Nx, Ny);
  119. printf("Enter relaxation factor (omega): ");
  120. scanf("%lf", &omega);
  122. // Creating file for residuals
  123. FILE *residualFile = fopen("residuals.dat", "w");
  124. if (residualFile == NULL)
  125. {
  126. fprintf(stderr, "Error opening residuals file!\n");
  127. return 1;
  128. }
  129. fprintf(residualFile, "Iteration,Residual\n");
  131. // Creating files for numerical and analytical solutions
  132. FILE *numericalFile = fopen("numerical_solution.dat", "w");
  133. if (numericalFile == NULL)
  134. {
  135. fprintf(stderr, "Error opening numerical solution file!\n");
  136. return 1;
  137. }
  139. FILE *analyticalFile = fopen("analytical_solution.dat", "w");
  140. if (analyticalFile == NULL)
  141. {
  142. fprintf(stderr, "Error opening analytical solution file!\n");
  143. return 1;
  144. }
  146. // Performing iterations until residual is below tolerance
  147. res = epislon+1;
  148. while (res > epislon)
  149. {
  150. // Storing the old temperature values before the new iteration
  151. for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++)
  152. {
  153. for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++)
  154. {
  155. T_old[i][j] = T[i][j];
  156. }
  157. }
  159. // Performing one iteration of Gauss-Seidel with SOR
  160. LineGaussSeidelSOR(T,T_old,omega, Nx, Ny);
  162. // Computing the residual
  163. res = computeResidual(T_old, T, Nx, Ny);
  165. iter++;
  166. printf("Iteration: %d, Residual: %e\n", iter, res);
  167. fprintf(residualFile, "%d,%e\n", iter, res); // Write to residuals file
  168. }
  170. printf("Converged after %d iterations with residual: %lf\n", iter, res);
  172. // Print numerical solutions
  173. fprintf(numericalFile, "X,Y,T\n");
  174. for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++)
  175. {
  176. for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++)
  177. {
  178. double x = i * dx;
  179. double y = j * dy;
  180. fprintf(numericalFile, "%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf\n", x, y, T[i][j]);
  181. }
  182. }
  183. fclose(numericalFile);
  184. printf("Numerical results written to numerical_solution.dat\n");
  186. // Print analytical solutions
  187. fprintf(analyticalFile, "X,Y,T\n");
  188. for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
  189. for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
  190. double x = i * dx;
  191. double y = j * dy;
  192. double T_analytical = analyticalSolution(x, y);
  193. fprintf(analyticalFile, "%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf\n", x, y, T_analytical);
  194. }
  195. }
  196. fclose(analyticalFile);
  197. printf("Analytical results written to analytical_solution.dat\n");
  199. fclose(residualFile); // Close the residuals file
  201. // Free allocated memory
  202. free2DArray(T, Nx);
  203. free2DArray(T_old, Nx);
  205. return 0;
  206. }
  207. unsigned long golay(unsigned long cw)
  208. /* This function calculates [23,12] Golay codewords.
  209.   The format of the returned longint is
  210.   [checkbits(11),data(12)]. */
  211. {
  212. int i;
  213. unsigned long c;
  214. cw&=0xfffl;
  215. c=cw; /* save original codeword */
  216. for (i=1; i<=12; i++) /* examine each data bit */
  217. {
  218. if (cw & 1) /* test data bit */
  219. cw^=POLY; /* XOR polynomial */
  220. cw>>=1; /* shift intermediate result */
  221. }
  222. return((cw<<12)|c); /* assemble codeword */
  223. }
  225. /* ====================================================== */
  227. int parity(unsigned long cw)
  228. /* This function checks the overall parity of codeword cw.
  229.   If parity is even, 0 is returned, else 1. */
  230. {
  231. unsigned char p;
  233. /* XOR the bytes of the codeword */
  234. p=*(unsigned char*)&cw;
  235. p^=*((unsigned char*)&cw+1);
  236. p^=*((unsigned char*)&cw+2);
  238. /* XOR the halves of the intermediate result */
  239. p=p ^ (p>>4);
  240. p=p ^ (p>>2);
  241. p=p ^ (p>>1);
  243. /* return the parity result */
  244. return(p & 1);
  245. }
  247. /* ====================================================== */
  249. unsigned long syndrome(unsigned long cw)
  250. /* This function calculates and returns the syndrome
  251.   of a [23,12] Golay codeword. */
  252. {
  253. int i;
  254. cw&=0x7fffffl;
  255. for (i=1; i<=12; i++) /* examine each data bit */
  256. {
  257. if (cw & 1) /* test data bit */
  258. cw^=POLY; /* XOR polynomial */
  259. cw>>=1; /* shift intermediate result */
  260. }
  261. return(cw<<12); /* value pairs with upper bits of cw */
  262. }
  264. /* ====================================================== */
  266. int weight(unsigned long cw)
  267. /* This function calculates the weight of
  268.   23 bit codeword cw. */
  269. {
  270. int bits,k;
  272. /* nibble weight table */
  273. const char wgt[16] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
  275. bits=0; /* bit counter */
  276. k=0;
  277. /* do all bits, six nibbles max */
  278. while ((k<6) && (cw))
  279. {
  280. bits=bits+wgt[cw & 0xf];
  281. cw>>=4;
  282. k++;
  283. }
  285. return(bits);
  286. }
  288. /* ====================================================== */
  290. unsigned long rotate_left(unsigned long cw, int n)
  291. /* This function rotates 23 bit codeword cw left by n bits. */
  292. {
  293. int i;
  295. if (n != 0)
  296. {
  297. for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
  298. {
  299. if ((cw & 0x400000l) != 0)
  300. cw=(cw << 1) | 1;
  301. else
  302. cw<<=1;
  303. }
  304. }
  306. return(cw & 0x7fffffl);
  307. }
  309. /* ====================================================== */
  311. unsigned long rotate_right(unsigned long cw, int n)
  312. /* This function rotates 23 bit codeword cw right by n bits. */
  313. {
  314. int i;
  316. if (n != 0)
  317. {
  318. for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
  319. {
  320. if ((cw & 1) != 0)
  321. cw=(cw >> 1) | 0x400000l;
  322. else
  323. cw>>=1;
  324. }
  325. }
  327. return(cw & 0x7fffffl);
  328. }
  330. /* ====================================================== */
  332. unsigned long correct(unsigned long cw, int *errs)
  333. /* This function corrects Golay [23,12] codeword cw, returning the
  334.   corrected codeword. This function will produce the corrected codeword
  335.   for three or fewer errors. It will produce some other valid Golay
  336.   codeword for four or more errors, possibly not the intended
  337.   one. *errs is set to the number of bit errors corrected. */
  338. {
  339. unsigned char
  340. w; /* current syndrome limit weight, 2 or 3 */
  341. unsigned long
  342. mask; /* mask for bit flipping */
  343. int
  344. i,j; /* index */
  345. unsigned long
  346. s, /* calculated syndrome */
  347. cwsaver; /* saves initial value of cw */
  349. cwsaver=cw; /* save */
  350. *errs=0;
  351. w=3; /* initial syndrome weight threshold */
  352. j=-1; /* -1 = no trial bit flipping on first pass */
  353. mask=1;
  354. while (j<23) /* flip each trial bit */
  355. {
  356. if (j != -1) /* toggle a trial bit */
  357. {
  358. if (j>0) /* restore last trial bit */
  359. {
  360. cw=cwsaver ^ mask;
  361. mask+=mask; /* point to next bit */
  362. }
  363. cw=cwsaver ^ mask; /* flip next trial bit */
  364. w=2; /* lower the threshold while bit diddling */
  365. }
  367. s=syndrome(cw); /* look for errors */
  368. if (s) /* errors exist */
  369. {
  370. for (i=0; i<23; i++) /* check syndrome of each cyclic shift */
  371. {
  372. if ((*errs=weight(s)) <= w) /* syndrome matches error pattern */
  373. {
  374. cw=cw ^ s; /* remove errors */
  375. cw=rotate_right(cw,i); /* unrotate data */
  376. return(s=cw);
  377. }
  378. else
  379. {
  380. cw=rotate_left(cw,1); /* rotate to next pattern */
  381. s=syndrome(cw); /* calc new syndrome */
  382. }
  383. }
  384. j++; /* toggle next trial bit */
  385. }
  386. else
  387. return(cw); /* return corrected codeword */
  388. }
  390. return(cwsaver); /* return original if no corrections */
  391. } /* correct */
  393. /* ====================================================== */
  395. int decode(int correct_mode, int *errs, unsigned long *cw)
  396. /* This function decodes codeword *cw in one of two modes. If correct_mode
  397.   is nonzero, error correction is attempted, with *errs set to the number of
  398.   bits corrected, and returning 0 if no errors exist, or 1 if parity errors
  399.   exist. If correct_mode is zero, error detection is performed on *cw,
  400.   returning 0 if no errors exist, 1 if an overall parity error exists, and
  401.   2 if a codeword error exists. */
  402. {
  403. unsigned long parity_bit;
  405. if (correct_mode) /* correct errors */
  406. {
  407. parity_bit=*cw & 0x800000l; /* save parity bit */
  408. *cw&=~0x800000l; /* remove parity bit for correction */
  410. *cw=correct(*cw, errs); /* correct up to three bits */
  411. *cw|=parity_bit; /* restore parity bit */
  413. /* check for 4 bit errors */
  414. if (parity(*cw)) /* odd parity is an error */
  415. return(1);
  416. return(0); /* no errors */
  417. }
  418. else /* detect errors only */
  419. {
  420. *errs=0;
  421. if (parity(*cw)) /* odd parity is an error */
  422. {
  423. *errs=1;
  424. return(1);
  425. }
  426. if (syndrome(*cw))
  427. {
  428. *errs=1;
  429. return(2);
  430. }
  431. else
  432. return(0); /* no errors */
  433. }
  434. } /* decode */
  436. /* ====================================================== */
  438. void golay_test(void)
  439. /* This function tests the Golay routines for detection and correction
  440.   of various patterns of error_limit bit errors. The error_mask cycles
  441.   over all possible values, and error_limit selects the maximum number
  442.   of induced errors. */
  443. {
  444. unsigned long
  445. error_mask, /* bitwise mask for inducing errors */
  446. trashed_codeword, /* the codeword for trial correction */
  447. virgin_codeword; /* the original codeword without errors */
  448. unsigned char
  449. pass=1, /* assume test passes */
  450. error_limit=3; /* select number of induced bit errors here */
  451. int
  452. error_count; /* receives number of errors corrected */
  454. virgin_codeword=golay(0x555); /* make a test codeword */
  455. if (parity(virgin_codeword))
  456. virgin_codeword^=0x800000l;
  457. for (error_mask=0; error_mask<0x800000l; error_mask++)
  458. {
  459. /* filter the mask for the selected number of bit errors */
  460. if (weight(error_mask) <= error_limit) /* you can make this faster! */
  461. {
  462. trashed_codeword=virgin_codeword ^ error_mask; /* induce bit errors */
  464. decode(1,&error_count,&trashed_codeword); /* try to correct bit errors */
  466. if (trashed_codeword ^ virgin_codeword)
  467. {
  468. printf("Unable to correct %d errors induced with error mask = 0x%lX\n",
  469. weight(error_mask),error_mask);
  470. pass=0;
  471. }
  473. if (kbhit()) /* look for user input */
  474. {
  475. if (getch() == 27) return; /* escape exits */
  477. /* other key prints status */
  478. printf("Current test count = %ld of %ld\n",error_mask,0x800000l);
  479. }
  480. }
  481. }
  482. printf("Golay test %s!\n",pass?"PASSED":"FAILED");
  483. }
  485. /* ====================================================== */
  487. void main(int argument_count, char *argument[])
  488. {
  489. int i,j;
  490. unsigned long l,g;
  491. const char *errmsg = "Usage: G DATA Encode/Correct/Verify/Test\n\n"
  492. " where DATA is the data to be encoded, codeword to be corrected,\n"
  493. " or codeword to be checked for errors. DATA is hexadecimal.\n\n"
  494. "Examples:\n\n"
  495. " G 555 E encodes information value 555 and prints a codeword\n"
  496. " G ABC123 C corrects codeword ABC123\n"
  497. " G ABC123 V checks codeword ABC123 for errors\n"
  498. " G ABC123 T tests routines, ABC123 is a dummy parameter\n\n";
  500. if (argument_count != 3)
  501. {
  502. printf(errmsg);
  503. exit(0);
  504. }
  506. if (sscanf(argument[1],"%lx",&l) != 1)
  507. {
  508. printf(errmsg);
  509. exit(0);
  510. }
  512. switch (toupper(*argument[2]))
  513. {
  514. case 'E': /* encode */
  515. l&=0xfff;
  516. l=golay(l);
  517. if (parity(l)) l^=0x800000l;
  518. printf("Codeword = %lX\n",l);
  519. break;
  521. case 'V': /* verify */
  522. if (decode(0,&i,&l))
  523. printf("Codeword %lX is not a Golay codeword.\n",l);
  524. else
  525. printf("Codeword %lX is a Golay codeword.\n",l);
  526. break;
  528. case 'C': /* correct */
  529. g=l; /* save initial codeword */
  530. j=decode(1,&i,&l);
  531. if ((j) && (i))
  532. printf("Codeword %lX had %d bits corrected,\n"
  533. "resulting in codeword %lX with a parity error.\n",g,i,l);
  534. else
  535. if ((j == 0) && (i))
  536. printf("Codeword %lX had %d bits corrected, resulting in codeword %lX.\n",g,i,l);
  537. else
  538. if ((j) && (i == 0))
  539. printf("Codeword %lX has a parity error. No bits were corrected.\n",g);
  540. else
  541. if ((j == 0) && (i == 0))
  542. printf("Codeword %lX does not require correction.\n",g);
  543. break;
  545. case 'T': /* test */
  546. printf("Press SPACE for status, ESC to exit test...\n");
  547. golay_test();
  548. break;
  550. default:
  551. printf(errmsg);
  552. exit(0);
  553. }
  554. }
  556. /* end of G.C */
  559. import java.util.*;
  560. import java.lang.*;
  561. import*;
  563. /* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
  564. class Ideone
  565. {
  566. public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
  567. {
  568. // your code goes here
  569. }
  570. }
Success #stdin #stdout 0.02s 25760KB
Standard input is empty
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define L 0.3          // Plate length in x-direction (m)
#define H 0.4          // Plate height in y-direction (m)
#define epislon 1e-6       // Convergence limit
#define MAX_TERMS 100  // Maximum terms for analytic solution (Fourier series approximation)

// Function to allocate a 2D array dynamically
double** allocate2DArray(int rows, int cols) 
    double** array = (double**)malloc(rows * sizeof(double*));
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) 
        array[i] = (double*)malloc(cols * sizeof(double));
    return array;

// Function to free a 2D array
void free2DArray(double** array, int rows) 
    for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) 

// Function to apply boundary conditions
void applyBoundaryConditions(double** T, int Nx, int Ny) 
    for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) 
        T[i][0] = 40.0;   // y = 0, T = 40°C
        T[i][Ny - 1] = 10.0; // y = H, T = 10°C
    for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) 
        T[0][j] = 0.0;   // x = 0, T = 0°C
        T[Nx - 1][j] = 0.0;   // x = L, T = 0°C

// Function to compute the 2-norm of the residual
double computeResidual(double** T, double** T_new, int Nx, int Ny) 
    double res = 0.0;
    for (int i = 1; i < Nx - 1; i++) 
        for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) 
            res += pow(T_new[i][j] - T[i][j], 2);
    return sqrt(res);

// Function to perform a single iteration of Point Gauss-Seidel with SOR
void LineGaussSeidelSOR(double** T,double** T_old, double omega, int Nx, int Ny) 
    for (int j = 1; j < Ny - 1; j++) 
        for (int i = 1;  i < Nx - 1; i++) 
            T[i][j] = (1.0 - omega) * T_old[i][j] +omega * 0.25 * (T[i + 1][j] + T[i - 1][j] + T_old[i][j + 1] + T[i][j - 1]);

// Function to calculate the analytical solution using Fourier series
double analyticalSolution(double x, double y) 
    double T_analytical = 0.0;
    for (int n = 1; n <= MAX_TERMS; n++) 
        if ((n % 2) != 0) 
        {  // Only odd terms contribute
            double first_term = (1.0 - pow(-1, n)) / (n * M_PI);
            double second_term = 40.0 * sinh((n *M_PI * (H - y)) / L) + 10.0 * sinh((n *M_PI * y) / L);
            double third_term = sin((n * M_PI * x) / L)/ sinh((n * M_PI * H) / L);
            T_analytical += 2*(first_term * second_term * third_term);
    return T_analytical;

int main() 
    int Nx, Ny;
    double dx, dy, omega, res;
    int iter = 0;

    printf("Enter the number of grid points in x-direction: ");
    scanf("%d", &Nx);
    printf("Enter the number of grid points in y-direction: ");
    scanf("%d", &Ny);
    dx = L / (Nx - 1);
    dy = H / (Ny - 1);
    double** T = allocate2DArray(Nx, Ny);
    double** T_old = allocate2DArray(Nx, Ny);

    // Initializing the temperature array with 0 (initial guess)
    for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) 
        for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) 
            T[i][j] = 0.0;
            T_old[i][j] = 0.0;

    applyBoundaryConditions(T, Nx, Ny);

    printf("Enter relaxation factor (omega): ");
    scanf("%lf", &omega);

    // Creating file for residuals
    FILE *residualFile = fopen("residuals.dat", "w");
    if (residualFile == NULL) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening residuals file!\n");
        return 1;
    fprintf(residualFile, "Iteration,Residual\n");
    // Creating files for numerical and analytical solutions
    FILE *numericalFile = fopen("numerical_solution.dat", "w");
    if (numericalFile == NULL) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening numerical solution file!\n");
        return 1;

    FILE *analyticalFile = fopen("analytical_solution.dat", "w");
    if (analyticalFile == NULL) 
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening analytical solution file!\n");
        return 1;

    // Performing iterations until residual is below tolerance
    res = epislon+1;
    while (res > epislon) 
        // Storing the old temperature values before the new iteration
        for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) 
            for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) 
                T_old[i][j] = T[i][j];

        // Performing one iteration of Gauss-Seidel with SOR
        LineGaussSeidelSOR(T,T_old,omega, Nx, Ny);

        // Computing the residual
        res = computeResidual(T_old, T, Nx, Ny);

        printf("Iteration: %d, Residual: %e\n", iter, res);
        fprintf(residualFile, "%d,%e\n", iter, res); // Write to residuals file

    printf("Converged after %d iterations with residual: %lf\n", iter, res);

    // Print numerical solutions
    fprintf(numericalFile, "X,Y,T\n");
    for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) 
        for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) 
            double x = i * dx;
            double y = j * dy;
            fprintf(numericalFile, "%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf\n", x, y, T[i][j]);
    printf("Numerical results written to numerical_solution.dat\n");

    // Print analytical solutions
    fprintf(analyticalFile, "X,Y,T\n");
    for (int j = 0; j < Ny; j++) {
        for (int i = 0; i < Nx; i++) {
            double x = i * dx;
            double y = j * dy;
            double T_analytical = analyticalSolution(x, y);
            fprintf(analyticalFile, "%.6lf,%.6lf,%.6lf\n", x, y, T_analytical);
    printf("Analytical results written to analytical_solution.dat\n");

    fclose(residualFile); // Close the residuals file

    // Free allocated memory
    free2DArray(T, Nx);
    free2DArray(T_old, Nx);

    return 0;
    unsigned long golay(unsigned long cw)
    /* This function calculates [23,12] Golay codewords.
      The format of the returned longint is
      [checkbits(11),data(12)]. */
      int i;
      unsigned long c;
      c=cw; /* save original codeword */
      for (i=1; i<=12; i++)  /* examine each data bit */
          if (cw & 1)        /* test data bit */
            cw^=POLY;        /* XOR polynomial */
          cw>>=1;            /* shift intermediate result */
      return((cw<<12)|c);    /* assemble codeword */
    /* ====================================================== */
    int parity(unsigned long cw)
    /* This function checks the overall parity of codeword cw.
      If parity is even, 0 is returned, else 1. */
      unsigned char p;
      /* XOR the bytes of the codeword */
      p=*(unsigned char*)&cw;
      p^=*((unsigned char*)&cw+1);
      p^=*((unsigned char*)&cw+2);
      /* XOR the halves of the intermediate result */
      p=p ^ (p>>4);
      p=p ^ (p>>2);
      p=p ^ (p>>1);
      /* return the parity result */
      return(p & 1);
    /* ====================================================== */
    unsigned long syndrome(unsigned long cw)
    /* This function calculates and returns the syndrome
      of a [23,12] Golay codeword. */
      int i;
      for (i=1; i<=12; i++)  /* examine each data bit */
          if (cw & 1)        /* test data bit */
            cw^=POLY;        /* XOR polynomial */
          cw>>=1;            /* shift intermediate result */
      return(cw<<12);        /* value pairs with upper bits of cw */
    /* ====================================================== */
    int weight(unsigned long cw)
    /* This function calculates the weight of
      23 bit codeword cw. */
      int bits,k;
      /* nibble weight table */
      const char wgt[16] = {0,1,1,2,1,2,2,3,1,2,2,3,2,3,3,4};
      bits=0; /* bit counter */
      /* do all bits, six nibbles max */
      while ((k<6) && (cw))
          bits=bits+wgt[cw & 0xf];
    /* ====================================================== */
    unsigned long rotate_left(unsigned long cw, int n)
    /* This function rotates 23 bit codeword cw left by n bits. */
      int i;
      if (n != 0)
          for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
              if ((cw & 0x400000l) != 0)
                cw=(cw << 1) | 1;
      return(cw & 0x7fffffl);
    /* ====================================================== */
    unsigned long rotate_right(unsigned long cw, int n)
    /* This function rotates 23 bit codeword cw right by n bits. */
      int i;
      if (n != 0)
          for (i=1; i<=n; i++)
              if ((cw & 1) != 0)
                cw=(cw >> 1) | 0x400000l;
      return(cw & 0x7fffffl);
    /* ====================================================== */
    unsigned long correct(unsigned long cw, int *errs)
    /* This function corrects Golay [23,12] codeword cw, returning the
      corrected codeword. This function will produce the corrected codeword
      for three or fewer errors. It will produce some other valid Golay
      codeword for four or more errors, possibly not the intended
      one. *errs is set to the number of bit errors corrected. */
      unsigned char
        w;                /* current syndrome limit weight, 2 or 3 */
      unsigned long
        mask;             /* mask for bit flipping */
        i,j;              /* index */
      unsigned long
        s,                /* calculated syndrome */
        cwsaver;          /* saves initial value of cw */
      cwsaver=cw;         /* save */
      w=3;                /* initial syndrome weight threshold */
      j=-1;               /* -1 = no trial bit flipping on first pass */
      while (j<23) /* flip each trial bit */
          if (j != -1) /* toggle a trial bit */
              if (j>0) /* restore last trial bit */
                  cw=cwsaver ^ mask;
                  mask+=mask; /* point to next bit */
              cw=cwsaver ^ mask; /* flip next trial bit */
              w=2; /* lower the threshold while bit diddling */
          s=syndrome(cw); /* look for errors */
          if (s) /* errors exist */
              for (i=0; i<23; i++) /* check syndrome of each cyclic shift */
                  if ((*errs=weight(s)) <= w) /* syndrome matches error pattern */
                      cw=cw ^ s;              /* remove errors */
                      cw=rotate_right(cw,i);  /* unrotate data */
                      cw=rotate_left(cw,1);   /* rotate to next pattern */
                      s=syndrome(cw);         /* calc new syndrome */
              j++; /* toggle next trial bit */
            return(cw); /* return corrected codeword */
      return(cwsaver); /* return original if no corrections */
    } /* correct */
    /* ====================================================== */
    int decode(int correct_mode, int *errs, unsigned long *cw)
    /* This function decodes codeword *cw in one of two modes. If correct_mode
      is nonzero, error correction is attempted, with *errs set to the number of
      bits corrected, and returning 0 if no errors exist, or 1 if parity errors
      exist. If correct_mode is zero, error detection is performed on *cw,
      returning 0 if no errors exist, 1 if an overall parity error exists, and
      2 if a codeword error exists. */
      unsigned long parity_bit;
      if (correct_mode)               /* correct errors */
          parity_bit=*cw & 0x800000l; /* save parity bit */
          *cw&=~0x800000l;            /* remove parity bit for correction */
          *cw=correct(*cw, errs);     /* correct up to three bits */
          *cw|=parity_bit;            /* restore parity bit */
          /* check for 4 bit errors */
          if (parity(*cw))            /* odd parity is an error */
          return(0); /* no errors */
      else /* detect errors only */
          if (parity(*cw)) /* odd parity is an error */
          if (syndrome(*cw))
            return(0); /* no errors */
    } /* decode */
    /* ====================================================== */
    void golay_test(void)
    /* This function tests the Golay routines for detection and correction
      of various patterns of error_limit bit errors. The error_mask cycles
      over all possible values, and error_limit selects the maximum number
      of induced errors. */
      unsigned long
        error_mask,         /* bitwise mask for inducing errors */
        trashed_codeword,   /* the codeword for trial correction */
        virgin_codeword;    /* the original codeword without errors */
      unsigned char
        pass=1,             /* assume test passes */
        error_limit=3;      /* select number of induced bit errors here */
        error_count;        /* receives number of errors corrected */
      virgin_codeword=golay(0x555); /* make a test codeword */
      if (parity(virgin_codeword))
      for (error_mask=0; error_mask<0x800000l; error_mask++)
          /* filter the mask for the selected number of bit errors */
          if (weight(error_mask) <= error_limit) /* you can make this faster! */
              trashed_codeword=virgin_codeword ^ error_mask; /* induce bit errors */
              decode(1,&error_count,&trashed_codeword); /* try to correct bit errors */
              if (trashed_codeword ^ virgin_codeword)
                  printf("Unable to correct %d errors induced with error mask = 0x%lX\n",
              if (kbhit()) /* look for user input */
                  if (getch() == 27) return; /* escape exits */
                  /* other key prints status */
                  printf("Current test count = %ld of %ld\n",error_mask,0x800000l);
      printf("Golay test %s!\n",pass?"PASSED":"FAILED");
    /* ====================================================== */
    void main(int argument_count, char *argument[])
      int i,j;
      unsigned long l,g;
      const char *errmsg = "Usage: G DATA Encode/Correct/Verify/Test\n\n"
                 "  where DATA is the data to be encoded, codeword to be corrected,\n"
                 "  or codeword to be checked for errors. DATA is hexadecimal.\n\n"
                 "  G 555 E      encodes information value 555 and prints a codeword\n"
                 "  G ABC123 C   corrects codeword ABC123\n"
                 "  G ABC123 V   checks codeword ABC123 for errors\n"
                 "  G ABC123 T   tests routines, ABC123 is a dummy parameter\n\n";
      if (argument_count != 3)
      if (sscanf(argument[1],"%lx",&l) != 1)
      switch (toupper(*argument[2]))
          case 'E': /* encode */
            if (parity(l)) l^=0x800000l;
            printf("Codeword = %lX\n",l);
          case 'V': /* verify */
            if (decode(0,&i,&l))
              printf("Codeword %lX is not a Golay codeword.\n",l);
              printf("Codeword %lX is a Golay codeword.\n",l);
          case 'C': /* correct */
            g=l; /* save initial codeword */
            if ((j) && (i))
              printf("Codeword %lX had %d bits corrected,\n"
                     "resulting in codeword %lX with a parity error.\n",g,i,l);
              if ((j == 0) && (i))
                printf("Codeword %lX had %d bits corrected, resulting in codeword %lX.\n",g,i,l);
                if ((j) && (i == 0))
                  printf("Codeword %lX has a parity error. No bits were corrected.\n",g);
                  if ((j == 0) && (i == 0))
                    printf("Codeword %lX does not require correction.\n",g);
          case 'T': /* test */
            printf("Press SPACE for status, ESC to exit test...\n");
    /* end of G.C */

import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

/* Name of the class has to be "Main" only if the class is public. */
class Ideone
	public static void main (String[] args) throws java.lang.Exception
		// your code goes here